As you consider your finances and prepare to file your taxes, you need to think about whether or not you are subject to life changes in recent months. There are some life changes that can dramatically impact your taxes, and you need to be ready for that. 1. Divorce If you have been filing your […]
Now that the year is almost over, it’s a good time to look back on your finances and see how you’ve done. Understanding where you’re at, and where you want to go next, can help you make better decisions about the future. As you close out this year and prepare for another year, here’s how […]
As tax season starts to wind down (or speed up, if you are trying to beat the filing deadline), it’s a good time to reflect on what you should know about paying taxes, and how you can streamline the process. Even if it’s too late for this year’s tax season, you can always put systems in […]
Most of us are deep into holiday planning right now, and have no desire to think about taxes. However, before the year comes to an end, it makes sense to take your taxes for a test drive. You should take the time to determine whether or not you are likely to owe money. If you […]
I just got back from New Orleans, where I had a great time at the FinCon Expo. The good news is that, even though I had a great time, I also went for business purposes. That means that a lot of what I did during the five days I was in New Orleans was tax-deductible. […]
Now that the year is halfway over, it’s a good idea to reflect on your finances, and look ahead to the coming months. This includes considering what’s next for your taxes. As you arrange your finances for the second half of the year, here are some tax tips to incorporate: Organize Your Paperwork The best […]
Now that another tax season has come to an end, it’s a good time to take stock of your situation, and consider what you might do to improve your situation going forward. One of the best ways to do this is to plan your quarterly tax payments. Year round tax planning can save you money, […]
Starting this year, there is a new home office tax deduction rule that can be applied. This is a new tax deduction rule that some home business owners might find easier to use than keeping track of everything that has to do with your home office. What is the New Rule? Basically, the new office […]
When you start building wealth, it makes sense to pay more attention to your tax situation, and what your tax situation is likely to be like in a few years. This is about more than just trying to figure out how to reduce your tax liability for the next year, or even figuring out how […]
You can’t escape taxes. Even if you aren’t paying income tax, you still pay taxes somewhere. When you are aware of the taxes you are paying, you can take steps to minimize your tax liability. There are some taxes you can never avoid, but with some careful thought and planning, it is possible to reduce […]