Credit cards are often portrayed as tools of evil. While you can certainly get in over your head with a credit card, the reality is that with the right approach, a rewards credit card can help your finances. The right credit card rewards program can provide you with extra cash, free travel, and other perks. […]
Many consumers find the credit industry a little confusing. You have a credit report and a credit score, and it isn’t always clear which is which and how each item impacts you. As you move forward trying to improve your financial situation, it’s important to understand the relationship between your credit report and your credit […]
It can be hard sometimes to feel good about paying insurance premiums. After all, it can feel like you’re throwing money away, especially if you don’t make any claims. The reality, though, is that insurance is about risk management. While you might not like making the premium payments, the truth is that you might be […]
As you consider your finances and prepare to file your taxes, you need to think about whether or not you are subject to life changes in recent months. There are some life changes that can dramatically impact your taxes, and you need to be ready for that. 1. Divorce If you have been filing your […]
At the time of writing this, the stock market is losing ground. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down more than 500 points, and the NASDAQ and S&P 500 are also struggling quite a bit. Global stocks are faring just as poorly, with indexes around the world dropping dramatically. During times like these, it’s tempting […]
When it comes to New Year resolutions, paying down debt — along with other financial goals — is often on the radar. Chances are that you’ve had the idea to use demolishing your debt as one of your own New Year resolutions at some point in the past. However, actually following through can be difficult, […]
Now that the year is almost over, it’s a good time to look back on your finances and see how you’ve done. Understanding where you’re at, and where you want to go next, can help you make better decisions about the future. As you close out this year and prepare for another year, here’s how […]
One of the biggest bones of contention in recent years has been the way credit scores are figured. A number of factors go into your credit score, most of them based on the way you handle your debt. However, as your credit history becomes increasingly important for financial transactions that don’t include borrowing, some people […]
If your credit card issuer has sent you a new card recently, you might have noticed an addition: a little computer chip on the front surface. This computer chip is called an EMV chip, and it represents a technical standard being widely adopted in the wake of data breaches and the growth of fraudulent purchases. […]
I’ve been a little frustrated since moving to Pennsylvania because I still need my checkbook in some cases. While it’s inconvenient to use a check most of the time, I started thinking about some of the other issues that come with using a checkbook. One of the problems with using checks is that they are […]